Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Moldy Goldies

I just ordered Flight From Bucharest by R. T. Stevens for my mother for Christmas. She had been moaning that she couldn't find this favorite book in any libraries or bookstores anymore. You see, the librarian at the high school where my mother taught for 28 years, weeded the collection. Mama said, "I bet I was the last one to check out a lot of those books." And the librarian said, "Well, yes you were."

Which got me to thinking about how I was probably the last one to check out Jane Hope by Elizabeth Janet Gray from that library in the mid-1980s. I'm sure it went out with trash, too. Which is a shame because it is a charming historical novel set in Chapel Hill just before the Civil War.

Rebecca's War by Ann Finlayson is another out-of-print gem. When I was in 5th grade I read my copy so many times it fell apart. Rebecca's father and grandfather are off Privateering for the Continental Congress, leaving her older brother in charge until he runs off to join the Continental army. The Big Secret is that gold lent to the fledgling nation to shore up it's currency is hidden in the boards of the staircase. Will Rebbecca be able to keep her cool when the British occupy Philadelphia and quarter two officers in her house?

My 4th grade teacher read us Roosevelt Grady by Louisa Shotwell. I'm not sure why the book captured my attention so well. Nothing could have been further from my own experiences. Roosevelt Grady is a migrant worker, shuffled from place to place and school to school and working long hours after school to help his family bring in other people's crops. I'd love the chance to read that book again to see if I could figure out what made me feel so connected to that little boy.

I am thankful for B&N Out of Print dealers. My mom will be thrilled when she opens her used copy of Flight from Bucharest on Christmas morning. And I'll be able to make sure my daughter has the chance to spend a week living in Revolutionary War Philadelphia and my son has the chance to connect with a child whose life experience is far different from his own.

Do you remember any gems you'd like to re-read or to be sure your kids or grandkids have a chance to re-read? What favorite book of yours is hard-to-find now?

1 comment:

biblioxplorer said...

Margaret, when you open your little seaside bookshop sometime in the future, be SURE that you find out of print copies of the entire CHURCH MICE series by Graham Oakley, LITTLE NODDY by Enid Blyton, and TROUBLE FOR TRUMPETS by Peter Dallas-Smith. All of these are delightful children's books, with the oldest, Little Noddy, not being as rigorously PC as it could be.